E-TORQUE’s Seven Bearing Cam Covers
Although you can use your original cam covers with the E-TORQUE cylinder head, we manufacture our own so that every pair of cam tower studs become visible to admiring eyes.
This tells onlookers that there is something unusual and interesting about your engine compartment.
One of the salient features of the E-Torque Cylinder Head is that it has seven, (instead of Jaguar’s four), cam bearings. These extra supports prevent the cams from deflecting under the spring load from each valve. Using
the extra cam studs also puts more even pressure on the covers to keep them from leaking as the originals do.
Contrary to common belief, when the cam covers leak, it is often not that the covers have deformed – rather – it is because the head has warped due to overheating. To check this, put a straight-edge along the surface where the leaking cam cover sits. That will reveal whether the head has warped.